Monday, April 16, 2007

Wild on Lizzie

Saturday night was my bachelorette party and it was a blast!!
There were some embarrasing moments that I might have changed, but all in all it was a great time. Thank you to the bridesmaids, my family and my friends who could all be there to celebrate. Here's a PG rated photo from my night out. I look a little scared in this picture, I wonder what the girls were doing to me at the time.


Vicki said...

There are so many comments i'd like to make, but i'll just say how much fun i had and that i've just finally recovered!

Pam said...

Lizzie, As your soon to be mother in law.... I would like to know how many lifesavers you had left and where were they?????
It was nice to spend time with your mom and aunts after you left.